I learned about this book quite by chance, thanks to an excerpt published in Pikara Magazine. Then I forgot all about it. And then I saw it in the library, leafed through it and knew that I had to read it.
The book includes interviews with 26 women in their forties who happen to live in Barcelona, although not all were born there. Plus two “bonus tracks”: Candela, a trans woman of 63, and Iris, a pansexual girl of 33. Single, married, separated, divorced, widowed, with and without children, straight, gay, bi, poly, vanilla, kinky, submissive, dominant, you name it — if you must.
Clasificar la sexualidad en función del estado civil o las preferencias sexuales tiene el mismo sentido que hacerlo en función del color de pelo de las entrevistadas. Si de algo me ha servido entrevistar a estas mujeres es para darme cuenta de que no hay una única manera de practicar sexo, sino tantas sexualidades como personas.