I learned couple of further LilyPond tricks:
- To group staves, just place << >> around the staves:
<< \new Staff { music A } \new Staff { music B } >>
- To print chord names over the notes, add \chords { chords } to the score. The chord symbols, like notes and rests, have to include durations. For instance, aes1 in the example below corresponds to A♭ that lasts as long as semibreve. The chord names can be further modified in the following way: f1:m = Fm, ees1:7 = E♭7, c1:9- = C7/♭9 and so on.
- What to do if a chord lasts longer than one bar but you want to show it only when the chord changes? Use \set chordChanges = ##t.
I chose Festive Minor as an example. The theme starts as a wonderful call-and-response of two instruments. It is written in F minor (I suppose the pun was intended) but of course you always can transpose it. Note that each staff is a self-sufficient bit of music, which can be modified (e.g. transposed) independently.
% **************************************************************** % Festive Minor (Gerry Mulligan) % **************************************************************** \version "2.12.3" \score { << \chords { \set chordChanges = ##t r4. | f1:m bes1:m f1:m bes1:m f1:m bes1:m ees1:7 aes1 ees1:7 c1:9- f1:m f1:m g1:7 g1:7 c1:9- c1:9- g1:7 bes2:m6 c2:7 f1:m bes2:m6 c2:7 f1:m f1:m } \new Staff { \key f \minor \partial 4. c''4 aes'8 | \repeat volta 2 { f'2 r8 f''4 des''8 bes'2 r8 c''4 aes'8 f'2 r8 f''4 des''8 bes'2 \times 2/3 { r8 b'8 c''8 } \times 2/3 { des''8 c''8 aes'8 } f'2 r8 f''4 c''8 ees''8. des''16 c''8. des''16( des''8.) a'16 bes'8. ees''16( ees''2.)( ees''8) des''8 des''8. c''16 r4 r8 aes'8 \times 2/3 { aes'8 bes'8 c''8 } des''2 bes'4. aes'8 g'2 e'8. g'16 bes'8. des''16 c''8. aes'16 bes'8. c''16 r2 r2 f'8. g'16 aes'8. c''16 } \alternative { { b'1( b'8.) d''16 f''8. g''16 aes''8. aes''16 g''8. f''16 g''8. e''16 r4 r4 e''8 des''8( des''4) r4 r8 c''4 aes'8 } { b'2 f'4. b'8 bes'8 f'8 aes'8 bes'8 ces''8 bes'8 aes'8 f'8( f'2.) r8 b'8 bes'8 f'8 aes'8 bes'8 \times 2/3 { b'8 bes'8 aes'8 } f'8 f'8( f'4) r4 r2 r1 } } } \new Staff { \key f \minor \partial 4. r4 r8 | \repeat volta 2 { r8 c''4 aes'8 f'4 r4 r8 f''4 des''8 bes'4 r4 r8 c''4 aes'8 f'4 r4 r8 f''4 des''8 bes'4 r4 \times 2/3 { r8 b'8 c''8 } \times 2/3 { des''8 c''8 aes'8 } f'4 r4 r8 f'4 c'8 ees'8 des'8 bes8 g8( g2.)( g8) bes8 bes8. aes16 r4 r8 c''8 \times 2/3 { c''8 des''8 ees''8 } f''2 des''4. c''8 bes'2 g'8. bes'16 des''8. e''16 ees''8. c''16 des''8. ees''16 r8 c'8 ees'16 aes'16 d'8( d'1) } \alternative { { r2 des'4. f'8 \times 2/3 { d'8 ees'8 f'8 } b4 r2 r4 \times 2/3 { aes'8 g'8 f'8 } \times 2/3 { e'8 des'8 c'8 } r4 \times 2/3 { des'8 c'8 bes8 } \times 2/3 { g8 f8 e8 } r2 } { r1 r2 r4 f'8 ees'8( ees'2) d'2 des'2 c'4. c'8( c'4) r4 r2 r1 } } } >> } |
And here’s the result:
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