Sunday, 11 September 2022

El hombre que plantaba árboles

by Jean Giono
translated by Palmira Feixas
illustrated by Simona Mulazzani
preface by José Saramago
afterword by Joaquín Araújo

According to Wikipedia, The Man Who Planted Trees is Jean Giono’s best-known work outside France. Maybe because it was first published in English even though originally written in French. I myself read it in Spanish, in a form of a precious little hardback by Duomo Ediciones with illustrations by Simona Mulazzani.

A deeply touching story that might make you quit your job and dedicate the rest of your life to something useful, like planting acorns. The passage about the state functionaries paying visit to Elzéard Bouffier in order to protect the “natural forest” is priceless.

Rather fittingly, I thought, at the end of the book there was a note:

Este libro está impreso con el sol. La energía que ha hecho posible su impresión procede exclusivamente de paneles solares. Grafica Veneta es la primera imprenta en el mundo que no utiliza carbón.

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