Sunday 19 December 2010


a film by Edmond Keosayan
Наутро, конечно, выпал снег — такого раннего снега старожилы не запомнят. Синоптики, как водится, объясняли это редкое явление циклонами и антициклонами, столкновениями каких-то там холодных и тёплых масс, где-то там, над морем Лаптевых... Мы-то с вами знаем, отчего снег выпал именно сегодня.
In the morning, of course, the snow fell. The old-timers won’t remember snow that early. Weather men, as usual, did their best to explain this rare phenomenon with cyclones and anticyclones and collisions of cold and warm air masses somewhere there, over the Laptev Sea... But you and I, we know why the snow did not fall any other day.

Isn’t the internet great? Couple of days ago, a closing scene of this film, with Russian voice-over (see the quote above), came to my head, although I could remember neither its title nor any actor. The only thing I was reasonably sure was that the movie was mostly in Armenian, with short narration bits in Russian, and that there were scenes of men dancing kochari (no, I didn’t remember that word either). A few minutes of search with keyword Armenfilm, and here it is: Tghamardik, the Russian title: Мужчины (“The Men”). I didn’t realise until now how famous this film is: according to Russian Wikipedia, in Yerevan there even is a monument to its heroes, the taxi drivers Vazgen, Sako, Suren and Aram.

The complete Russian-narration version, featuring the incomparable voice of Zinovy Gerdt, is available here; YouTube also has the Armenian-only version.

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