Wednesday 12 August 2020

El Castillo

by David Zane Mairowitz and Jaromír 99
based on a novel by Franz Kafka
translated by Carlos Mayor

Aquí todos nacéis con un gran respeto por la autoridad. Os lo inculcan durante toda la vida por todas partes, pero también hacéis lo posible para que el proceso siga avanzando. De ese modo, favorecéis vuestro estado de confusión.

If this sounds pretty Kafkaesque, it is because the source of the quote is a graphic novel adaptation of The Castle, the book that I never read and still have no plans to. The striking black, white and (just one shade of) grey illustrations by Czech artist Jaromír 99 bring Kafka’s unfinished work to life, if you can call it that. The misadventures of the agrimensor (land surveyor) K. could fill anyone with despair. Even love scenes are depressing like hell.

— ¿Cuándo llegará la primavera?
— La primavera y el verano acaban por llegar. Duran unos días, pero incluso entonces sigue nevando.

No, hell must be less depressing.

Kafka both started and gave up on his novel almost a century ago, in 1922. In the meantime, the titular edifice grew to symbolise absurd state bureaucracy. So, where are we now? I’ve met — and keep hearing from — many bright young people whose top ambition is to become civil servants. And then, to work in The Castle till retirement. Now that is depressing.

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